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Black Phosphorus Powder

As low as $552.00 $0.00
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SKU# 1194

Product Detail

CAS No.: 7723-14-0

ACS Material is proud to provide high-quality black phosphorous powder to leading researchers and innovators around the world. Our pure, consistent black phosphorous powder is carefully prepared via chemical vapor distribution and is offered in 200 mg and 500 mg packages.

The two-dimensional form of black phosphorous, also known as phosphorene, is a recent entrant into the growing field of advanced 2-D semiconductor materials. Black phosphorous shares many of the same properties as others in the same class and shows great promise for varied electronic and optical applications.

One characteristic that makes black phosphorous stand out from the crowd is a tunable band gap. Researchers have been able to fine-tune the band gap of black phosphorous between 0.3 to 2.0 electron volts, results that are better than any other 2-D material on record. This wide, tunable band gap is exciting for optics; light absorption, emission, and modulation abilities which are all dependent upon the size of the band gap. Light wavelengths from 0.6 to 4.0 micrometers, from visible to infrared, can be absorbed and emitted by black phosphorous.

Find black phosphorous powder and other advanced nanomaterials at ACS Material today.

1. Preparation Method

Chemical vapor deposition method

2. Characterizations


Black phosphorus powder


Sheet-like particle structure with metal-like luster

Particle Size:

Length x Width x Height = ~µm x ~µm x ~nm


Vacuum silica tube (8 cm)

Image (1) of ACS Material Black Phosphorus Powder 

SEM Image (2) of ACS Material Black Phosphorus Powder 

EDX pattern of square area Image (3) of ACS Black Phosphorus Powder in the above SEM image

XRD pattern Image of Black Phosphorus Powder

XRD pattern Image (4) of ACS Black Phosphorus Powder

Raman spectrum Image (5) of ACS Black Phosphorus Powder

3. Application Fields

Compared with other allotropes of phosphorus (white and red phosphorus)‚ black phosphorus powder is a thermodynamic stable semiconductor material. It can be widely used in photo-catalysis‚ photo-degradation‚ and other photo-voltage effects.


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